4 The Graphical User Interface

The graphical user interface is divided in four parts, the file tree (No.1), the information table (No.2) the editable notes window (No.3) and the display window (No.4).


Figure 8: Graphical User Interface of INSENSA GIS

  • File Tree: The left window shows the files and filesets within a filetree. Here files can be created, moved between and copied in other filesets. Please be aware that normal copies are links to the original file. Only if an option function has been applied (see option function copy) or a new file is created from a connection function a hardcopy is created in your workspace.
  • Information Table: The middle window gives information about the file resolution, size, type and projection and displays results of calculations and statistical analyses in a table format.
  • Notes Window: Also included at the bottom of this information table is an editable part leaving room for user specific notes for each file.
  • Display Window: The right window can be used to display maps or statistical results graphically (e.g. diagrams, correlation matrices). Display maps and statistical results by using drag and drop of the information reader function symbols.

The software offers the selection of functions via four selection options

  • The menu bar at the top of the window

    Figure 9: Menu Bar

  • The shortcut icons of the icon menu bar

    Figure 10: Icon Menu Bar

  • The context menu that can be opened by a right click at a file

    Figure 11: Context Menu

While the menu and shortcut icons are always visible, the context menu can be displayed by a right click on the specific file. All functions can be selected and executed through all three menu options. Furthermore different shortcuts have been implemented, which are indicated within the menu bar.

Find more information about the handling of the software under Projectmanagement.